Saturday, October 24, 2015

You Were Born to Lead [MsLady1439]

I AM A ‪#‎LEADER‬; something we're all born to be [seriously]. We just have to be set in place to go after it, tap into it.

[back to me] I always desired to lead, but never knew what and never knew how. I figured out why this was: IT WAS BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW WHO I WAS.

I couldn't embrace where I was nor did i have a clue about where i was headed. Eventually, I started dealing with my trials and tribulations understanding that they were designed by me or a greater power. In that, comes a lesson. To learn from those lessons, mindsets and limited beliefs had to go. Sad to say, those beliefs came attached to certain people, places and things that also had to go so i could work on me; the things i like, i don't like, things i need, don't need and so forth.

[latest challenge] my greatest test of strength and faith came on August 13 2013 when my son, Jordan was murdered. I don't sugar-coat what happened to him to help others deal with his death. Not he died, but he was MURDERED. slight difference. 

[anyway] I am dealing with my the death of my child and the experience has taken me to places i would have never known otherwise. If you're a spiritual person, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I have been catapulted into a life of leadership.

What is leadership?? To be an effective #leader is to successfully serve, teach, receive and demonstrate....

1] mother/father [grandparents]
2] paster
3] teacher
4] counselor
5] siblings
6] legal counsel
7] corporate office

It doesn't matter where you are or who you are, we were born to ‪#‎lead‬. Have a great Saturday.

Bare Essence..Nothing Hidden

Bare Essence
[originally written Jan 1 2013]

There is no reason for you to doubt me or what and who I represent. My reputation proceeds me. My intensions are light for you know what they are. I don't have any problems sharing with you; you pretty much get what you give. [No need for me to explain the concept].

However, on the other hand, my recent encounters have been with those who carried a smile while stabbing me in the back. Their attempts perhaps in a sense changed me in some way. There was a time where I was ridicolously, hopelessly passive. I did not have the strength to say 'no' more less tell you what I was going through.

I was hurt, crushed, discouraged, alone and beside myself with grief. It seemed like the offender didn't cared, sharing that it was 'them and not me'. I hadn't a clue of what 'real world' was about even though I was living it.  Three kids, a dysfunctional partner and working dead end jobs, sometimes more than one job at a time.

Check this, I did not gain compassion from anybody. Child please, as long as they got what they wanted and were satisfied, that's all they cared about. And guess what else!? I went along with it ~ knowing it was wrong, knowing that I was not happy. The veil has been ripped down the middle; no more playing around. Time is priceless and of the essence.

Seeking Resolve
If you're looking for resolve for your situation, I can guarantee you the only solution would come through divine intervention, some fasting and praying.

#Much love