Saturday, October 24, 2015

You Were Born to Lead [MsLady1439]

I AM A ‪#‎LEADER‬; something we're all born to be [seriously]. We just have to be set in place to go after it, tap into it.

[back to me] I always desired to lead, but never knew what and never knew how. I figured out why this was: IT WAS BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW WHO I WAS.

I couldn't embrace where I was nor did i have a clue about where i was headed. Eventually, I started dealing with my trials and tribulations understanding that they were designed by me or a greater power. In that, comes a lesson. To learn from those lessons, mindsets and limited beliefs had to go. Sad to say, those beliefs came attached to certain people, places and things that also had to go so i could work on me; the things i like, i don't like, things i need, don't need and so forth.

[latest challenge] my greatest test of strength and faith came on August 13 2013 when my son, Jordan was murdered. I don't sugar-coat what happened to him to help others deal with his death. Not he died, but he was MURDERED. slight difference. 

[anyway] I am dealing with my the death of my child and the experience has taken me to places i would have never known otherwise. If you're a spiritual person, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I have been catapulted into a life of leadership.

What is leadership?? To be an effective #leader is to successfully serve, teach, receive and demonstrate....

1] mother/father [grandparents]
2] paster
3] teacher
4] counselor
5] siblings
6] legal counsel
7] corporate office

It doesn't matter where you are or who you are, we were born to ‪#‎lead‬. Have a great Saturday.

Bare Essence..Nothing Hidden

Bare Essence
[originally written Jan 1 2013]

There is no reason for you to doubt me or what and who I represent. My reputation proceeds me. My intensions are light for you know what they are. I don't have any problems sharing with you; you pretty much get what you give. [No need for me to explain the concept].

However, on the other hand, my recent encounters have been with those who carried a smile while stabbing me in the back. Their attempts perhaps in a sense changed me in some way. There was a time where I was ridicolously, hopelessly passive. I did not have the strength to say 'no' more less tell you what I was going through.

I was hurt, crushed, discouraged, alone and beside myself with grief. It seemed like the offender didn't cared, sharing that it was 'them and not me'. I hadn't a clue of what 'real world' was about even though I was living it.  Three kids, a dysfunctional partner and working dead end jobs, sometimes more than one job at a time.

Check this, I did not gain compassion from anybody. Child please, as long as they got what they wanted and were satisfied, that's all they cared about. And guess what else!? I went along with it ~ knowing it was wrong, knowing that I was not happy. The veil has been ripped down the middle; no more playing around. Time is priceless and of the essence.

Seeking Resolve
If you're looking for resolve for your situation, I can guarantee you the only solution would come through divine intervention, some fasting and praying.

#Much love

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Skinny on Some Real *Ish - MsLady1439

It's been about 4 months since my last post where I declared mental and emotional freedom from other people.With that being said, the first person to challenge me was my mother. Her conversation showed me that she refuses to let go of old stuff, stuff she don't have control over ANYMORE. So, I'm sharing with her my new declaration, you know to perhaps liberate her too. But guess what?! She did not like what I was saying and basically told me to KICK ROCKS. I was like whoa! It was at that point I realized that I truly was fighting this spiritual and emotional liberation war on my own. At this point, I stopped caring. Along with that confrontation came separation from family [some family]. And guess what? I still don't care.
Totally Liberated
You're going to use those handles and carry your own baggage. You're going to stop being a loser and a user. Who gave you the right to decide to deprive someone of what they rightfully own or deserve? FOH!  [sigh] Positioning myself, I commanded the powers that be to break and bind those things that have held me back for so long even if it means hardening my heart a little.

They say I'm crazy
Since my new stance of taking back 'me', I've never felt more confident and enlightened in my life. This is real. 'This' has forced me to reflect, it forced to reject, project, build, accept and appreciate those things we usually take for granted. So, I'm open-minded, I speak my mind, spitting out advice and repeatedly adding my 2 cents. And for this, I'm called crazy. Crazy because I am real about being real. I'm being called crazy because I put PEOPLE IN THEIR PLACE. Oh, well.Too bad, so sad.

This didn't come over night
What pisses me off [for about a minute] is when folks who know me, who know my struggle, envy me for where I am in my life right now. YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS FOR ME! What the hell are you thinking? To want what I have is to be willing to go through some *ISH. And why would you want to do that? And you call me crazy. WOW.  Good Luck.

Giving back 100 fold of what I received
You heard me; I'm starting to give back 100 fold of what I've received. I shared this with a few people and they were like what do you mean?  I'm like: what do you mean, what do I mean? Some people get fussy when they get back the *ish they dish other people. But I got it for you 100 fold and I'm real generous.

Traits I'm looking for
Yep! If this is you, come see me.
  • Arrogance
  • Selfish
  • Toxic
  • Poisonous
  • Dangerous
  • Envious
  • Jealous
  • Lazy 
  • Greedy
  • Disgusting
  • Rude
  • Silly
  • Obnoxious 
  • Deceitful
  • Compulsive Liar
  • Self-center
 Trust me, some of you are attached to one or more of these traits! Comment below. I've got a word or two for you.


[Quick side note- and this doesn't have anything to do with my but if you meet someone who forbids you from listening to a certain singer/artist, tell him/her to go to hell.]

Thursday, December 20, 2012

I'm Leaving You for Me

Still Standing no matter what ~MsLady
"I'm leaving you for me"; I actually heard this phrase in an old 90's R&B song.  The story that's being told here is, "I'm tired of you and your ways and the way you've been treating me. So, I gotta go do me, I'm gone".  While that scenario has romantic connotations to it, for me, it's more like leaving a situation that seems to be of no resolve; whether it be family, work or whatever. No longer, will I be dealing with someone else's issues, demons, philosophies, ways, temper tantrums, bad habits any longer. I'm out, gone, see ya!!!!

My only apology is that it had to take a large number of trials and tribulations for me to 'wake up'.  And that's usually how it goes: you'll keep going through the same mess until you get it right, until you stand up and say 'No More!'
If you've read my first blog post, you probably read where my husband and I found 2 people that were deceased in the parking lot of our apartment complex.  You also read that it was at that moment that something in me snapped. It was almost like a got a spiritual awakening, if you will.

This is going to be a hard pill for some folks to swallow. Trust me, it's going to be an even greater challenge for me, too to walk away from unnecessary repetitive nonsense because some of these players [people] I'm referring to are friends and family. Also, after you've been conditioned for so long to wait on someone hand and foot, you sort of feel empty when you're NOT doing anything for them. Okay, so your drama may make sense to you but if you see where your 'philosophies' is compromising our relationship [friendship], then somewhere down the line or maybe even on the surface, your way is perhaps not the 'way'.  Here are some things about this whole thing that angers me; manipulation and deception are at play. Discovering this pisses me off. I mean, you dont have to manipulate me and deceive me to get what you want. Just ask and if I say 'no, then let it go. If you're passionate about bugging me, find resources and get it yourself.

Enough! I'm out. It's time for some self- evaluation, some soul searching because anytime you're having dilemmas or issues with someone else, the best you can do for the situation is to check yourself. So, I'm going to check myself and move forward.

It's sad straggle heads want to wallow in misery; a total shame. It's tragic that you want to take me with you. No mam, No sir ~ do you.  I don't do rides with No, seriously, I'm on something else.

I am....

....leaving you for me! 

Have you had enough and wish for change? Share your thoughts in the comment box below.